The International Partnership for Resilience in Cancer Systems (I-PaRCS) , formerly the COVID-19 and Cancer Global Modelling Consortium (CCGMC), brings together the global community to support decision-making in cancer control. The key partners are the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN), the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) and the Daffodil Centre (a joint venture between the University of Sydney and Cancer Council NSW). The Daffodil Centre is the coordinating centre for I-PaRCS.

We are connecting teams who are working in the cancer control space in various countries, in a collaborative effort to strengthen cancer systems response upon various health systems challenges caused by existing and emerging infectious diseases. In partnership with IARC, we are also developing an Elimination Planning Tool which will be hosted by IARC as part of the Global Cancer Observatory. In the first instance, the Elimination Planning Tool will focus on cervical cancer, and will allow countries to understand the implications of various policy decisions towards achieving cervical cancer elimination goals and targets. This tool can also be used to effectively advocate for greater investment at a regional, country and international level towards implementation of cervical cancer elimination plans.

We have now received over 300 registrations through the online EOI, with representation across more than 38 countries, covering a wide range of specialties with interest across the three different dimensions of work – impact on cancer treatment, screening and cancer prevention.

I-PaRCS Steering Committee
Living working groups, for example:
  • AusCan (Covid-19 Impacts in Australia and Canada)
  • Covid-19 and Cancer Systematic Reviews
  • Systematic review on Covid-19 related smoking changes
  • Multi-country working group on Covid-19 impact on Lung cancer
Clinical expert reference group, drawing on former Covid-19 and Cancer Taskforce (Chaired by Prof Richard Sullivan), as required.

Cross-cutting across working groups to access expertise to inform modelling of impact disruptions or changes in cancer services across the continuum

Our Vision

In consideration of current and future health systems challenges, the Consortium aims to collate best evidence and consolidate information on best practices, to provide tools for policy/decision-makers, with the ultimate goal to strengthen cancer control systems globally.

Steering Committee

Dr Freddie Bray

Dr Freddie Bray, Branch Head, Cancer Surveillance Unit, IARC, Lyon France

Dr Bray specialises on the descriptive epidemiology of cancer, including the estimation of global cancer burden and analysis of time trends of cancer including predictions of future scale.
Prof Karen Canfell

Prof Karen Canfell, Director, The Daffodil Centre, Australia

Prof Canfell is an epidemiologist, modeller. and translationally-focused population health researcher. She is active in global health and has led the development of the WHO impact and cost-effectiveness case for cervical cancer elimination.
Dr Isabelle Soerjomataram

Dr Isabelle Soerjomataram, Deputy Branch Head, Cancer Surveillance, IARC, Lyon France

Dr Soerjomataram is a medical epidemiologist with a special interest in cancer prevention. She has extensive research expertise in descriptive cancer epidemiology, health impact assessments.
Dr Julie Torode

Dr Julie Torode, Visiting Researcher , King's College London, UK

Dr Julie Torode is a Board Member of the Institute of Cancer Policy, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Community and Patient Engagement and Visiting Researcher at KCL. Her research interests span the spectrum of global cancer prevention and control with a particular interest in women’s health and cancer.
Prof Iris Landsdorp Vogelaar

Prof Iris Lansdorp Vogelaar, Erasmus MC, Netherlands

Prof Lansdorp-Vogelaar leads the research group on evaluation of screening of gastrointestinal disorders at ERASMUS MC. She is also the senior modeler of the colorectal and esophageal cancer research section of the department.
Natalie Fitzgerald

Natalie Fitzgerald, Director, System Performance & Analytics, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer

Natalie Fitzgerald is a health systems leader with a background of health economics, modelling, evaluation, drug policy and health human resource planning. She currently leads system performance reporting and cancer data strategy efforts at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.

Timeline of events

  • The Covid and Cancer Taskforce endorsed the establishment of Covid-19 and Cancer Global Modelling Consortium (CCGMC)
  • Established multiple collaborative working groups
  • Published 6 papers
  • Commissioned by WHO, CRUK and ICBP to carry out research activities
  • Published additional 4 papers
  • Launching of the Elimination Planning Tool resource at the World Cancer Congress
  • Rebranding of CCGMC to International Partnership for Reslience in Cancer Systems (I-PaRCS)
  • Established multiple collaborative working groups
  • Attracted prospective project partners for the Eliminiation Planning Tool
  • Invited piece to the Medical Journal of Australia
  • Published WHO Commissioned Systematic Review

Funders and Affiliates

A collection of logos including: HPV prevention and control board, World Health Organization, Association of European Cancer Leagues, International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership, Cancer Research UK
I-PaRCS members include UICC, IARC, CPAC, ICSN and The Daffodil Centre

Contact us

+61 2 9334 1412

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